The Audio Editing Pro Package
$597 Monthly
$597 One Time

Do you record your podcast episodes with video?  Let us create some incredible video shareables for you!

We'll create two 1-minute videos in two different sizes for you to share on your social media channels.  Want a guest to share your podcast with their audience?  This is how to make sure they want to do it.

  • Two Square 1-minute Videos For Regular Posting From 4 Episodes
  • Two Vertical 1-minute Videos For Stories From 4 Episodes
  • Two Square and Two Vertical Quote Cards From 4 Episodes

ONE TIME OFFER: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut, quod hic expedita consectetur vitae nulla sint adipisci cupiditate at. Commodi, dolore hic eaque tempora a repudiandae obcaecati deleniti mollitia possimus.

Ready To Stand Out When You Promote Your Podcast On Social Media: This one time purchase will include incredible micro-content from 4 episodes to make it easy to share on your social media channels and make it easy for your guest to share on their social channels. Stand out and have the perfect call to action with each piece of content!

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